Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy is used to aid in soft tissue repair and reduce scar tissue.
Ultrasound works by emitting sound waves through the soft tissue. This causes micro-vibrations which has a thermal effect on the tissue, increasing blood, accellerating the healing process and remodelling scar tisue
Medical Acupuncture
Traditionally associated with ancient medicine, Medical Acupuncture takes a more evidence based approach and is only administered following an injury assessment.
This involves penetrating the skin with fine needles, in order to stimulate the body's nervous system aiding in pain reduction and the recovery of soft tissues.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is used to target specific muscle groups with the aim of aiding healing of the surrounding tissues, reducing muscle tension, improving muscle performance or accellerating recovery time after exercise.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue Massage is similar to Sports Massage however this treatment is delivered as a full body service.
The aim of Deep Tissue Massage is to reduce muscle tension
Electrotherapy uses electrical impulses to inhibit the transmission of neural pain signals, thus reducing pain.
Electrotherapy can also be used to facilitate muscle contractions. This can be useful for those who are in the early stages of rehab following injury.
This can also be used to manage muscle tension and aid muscle recovery as it increases blood flow to the affected area.
Gym Based Rehab
Using the state of the art gym facilities at Hidden Strength, we can facilitate your injury rehabilitation with a one hour rehab session.
This will be offered if deemed beneficial to the client following a thorough injury assessment.